Smart Wifi Wireless |
Smart Wifi Wireless; over the weekend I changed a few things in this office and not only have I finally put the bullet and bought the lamps that I've been looking at but I also bought some smart Wi-Fi RGB bulbs to go with it and man I have no regrets what is going on everybody and welcome to another tech unbox so today's unboxing is not going to be very like exciting as far as the unboxing itself we're going to be unboxing this today checking it out getting it all set up and then also integrating it into the Alexa app.
Smart Wifi Wireless
So you can use your voice or whatever you want to do your routine schedule etc to control these light now although these are a Philips brand they are not a Philips hue so they don't require any type of hub like the Philips you do these are just strictly Wi-Fi and you can connect them directly to your 2.4 gigahertz so that further ado let's hop into the unboxing and get it set up this is the exact same bulb that you're seeing that I had in the lamps in the intro video here just to kind of give you some rundown through the box itself it is a Philips branded bulb and you can buy this in a 4-pack online.
Read more: Smart Wifi Wireless
But this is just a single bulb in this box you've got the full color Wi-Fi LED which means you have all the sixteen point eight million colors or whatever and then you can go through you can fine-tune the white to either a warm or a cool which is pretty cool 60 watt replacement 8.8 watt LED and it does have a brightness level of 800 lumens and it does use this particular one is the a19 but it uses your standard socket size so this one will go in a standard bulb size and it does use the wiz connected app and of course it is Wi-Fi certified because we're going to be integrating it with alexa but it does also work with google assistant and also works with siri.
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So flipping it over just shows you a little bit about the app on here there's a couple screenshots of what you can use the app for you flipping over to the back it just kind of goes over the lighting facts and then before flipping over again it's got instructions on where to find and how to download the app to get started so this does use the wiz connected app so we will be using that to set it up but then we'll also be going into the alexa app and integrating the two together so we can use alexa with it so without further ado let's just go ahead and open up the box again it's not much.
It's not that exciting because it's a simple box with a bulb in the middle of it but you can see that that's everything basically in the Box no instruction manual or anything like that the real fun comes in when you get a set up and you start playing around with the scenes and everything like that so we're gonna go ahead and get all that set up and then show you how to integrate it and go from there now before we get started with the setup you're going to want to make sure that the bulbs are the devices that you're setting up today are in the same room or as close to the Wi-Fi source as possible not only that the phone that you're going to be using to connect.
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You're gonna want to make sure will automatically connect to the 2.4 gigahertz well because the devices will only support a 2-4 2.4 gigahertz band they do not support 5 gigahertz so make sure that they're as close as possible because last time when I set these up and the router was downstairs and it was really far away from the Wi-Fi signal I had quite a few issues trying to get these to actually talk to the Wi-Fi so since then I've went ahead and put a access point underneath my desk here that allowed a more seamless transition when getting those things set up so I'd recommend at least have them as close as possible during the setup and then you can kind of test how far you can go out there might be some delays.
If it's far away from your Wi-Fi source but just at least have them set up in the same room so they can at least talk to each other so with that being said the first thing that we're going to do is I have the bulbs currently plugged in to these two lamps back here it's the exact same bulb that we had in this box the lamp that I was going to use for this one we ended up tossing so I'm just going to go ahead and reset these back to factory and we're just going to use those for today's demonstration so the bulbs are in there they're currently powered off during some of the steps it's going to tell us to turn them on and it's going to search for them.
So what we're going to want to do is head on over to your Play Store or your Google or your App Store or your Google Play Store and you're going to download the app that says where's connected so you're going to want to come up here to the top and just type in whiz connected and in the search results you're looking for one that says Wiz tail light Company Limited and then you're gonna go ahead and click install once you've done that of course that's going to take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection but once that is done downloading and also installing you're then going to want to open up that app we've got it downloaded and now we're going to go ahead and click on open once we've done that it's going to load the app.
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You're going to get the loading symbol at the bottom and then it's going to ask you to create a home because of course you have your home then you have your rooms within that home so for we're gonna click on create a home and we're just gonna type in YouTube demo for this and if you currently already have a home or somebody already has a home they are going to want to send you an invite in order for you to be able to join their home so you can click on join a home they have to send you a code you just punch in the code and you can join the pre-existing home but for today's demo we are creating a brand new home we've got it in here and then.
We're gonna tap on create home once that has taken place it's going to say let's create a wizz home and then it's going to ask you to add a room so we're gonna go ahead and tap on add room and then you can use a pre-existing room on here or at least find one that resembles an icon or whatever you want on there so we're gonna scroll down the list and we're gonna tap on the one that says office but we're actually going to rename this into Mission Control just because I'm a massive space nerd and that's the way that it should be so control once you've got your name in there just go ahead and tap ok and then it's going to prompt you to add the devices that your once.
So we're gonna click on add a device from here there's a various things that you can add that are controlled with the wiz app you've got lights smart plugs whiz moe Wi-Fi switch and Bluetooth motion sensors obviously for today's demonstration we are going to be choosing light so we're gonna go ahead and tap on light and then you are going to be prompted with an approximate location required for pairing permission prompt that says we will ask for your approximate location this is necessary to complete your lights to your Wi-Fi so this needs your location permission because it's going to set your lights up because you can set them up to turn on and off depending on your sunset or your sunrise geographical location.
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So just go ahead and allow whiz to access devices location from here this is the part where I said you're going to want to be connected to the Wi-Fi network the 2.4 Wi-Fi network on your phone because you're gonna eventually send those credentials over to the bulbs so here where I'm going to type in the password once you've got your 2.4 gigahertz password in there just go ahead and tap on continue also just verify the name is the actual the actual network that you want to be connecting these to I do want to connect them to the missing Mission Control 2.4 I've got the password in there.
So I'm going to go ahead and click on continue but just verify the information matches what you want in there and then it's gonna say adding lights to Mission Control obviously Mission Control is going to be replaced with whatever you've named your room power off your lights power on your lights and then tap on start as you can see I don't have these lights on right now so I'm just going to go ahead and turn them on and then after I've turned them on I'm gonna go ahead and click start now that I've turned the lights on I'm going to go in and I'm going to click start on the app and it's gonna say searching for lights please don't power them off this did take me a couple times to try before.
I was actually able to get them to recognize in the app so you may have to do this or you may have to power cycle these lights a couple times and do this process a few times in order for them to show up this app doesn't have the best reviews and my guess is because searching for these items are searching for these devices is probably one of its number one fault we're going to go through this step and then I'm going to show you how to add them manually in the off chance that you've tried a few times and you were unable to get these lights to show up so as you can see right now it says searching for lights please don't power them off it did find one and it's looking for more so as long as you have multiple devices being turned on or turned on and searching for them.
It should locate each of the devices now once you have found all of the devices and it's still going you can actually tap finish up in the top right hand corner because it only found the one I'm going to actually show you how to add another bulb manually so in this case I'm going to go ahead and tap finish even though it hasn't found the second bulb and is what that's going to do is on the bulb that did find it's going to ask you to choose a light fixture icon to represent what it is so in this case is a lamp so I'm going to go ahead and just choose lamp right here you of course can scroll through this and choose any type of limp that you want this type of lamp right here.
Because it resembles kind of more of the Shelf effect that I've got on these lamps so once you've chosen the icon right around the middle of the screen here you're going to be able to select next light and you can change the icon for that one as well so because we only have the one I'm just gonna choose that and then I'm going to tap on done in the top right hand corner from here it gives you kind of an area of like all of the settings for this particular bulb it once we have more in here you'll see that it will show up you've got the name of the bulb up on the top hand side you've got plus which allows you to a device or at a room in and of course.
Where it says warm white you can tap on that and you can choose some preset colors that they've got in there as well but you can also choose the temperature of the bulb as you can see in the background right there as I adjust this you can see the temperature of that bulb adjusts and then of course you can also use it to dim or brighten the light too if you want a nighttime mode it's got a quick hot air shortcut right there at the bottom and if you want to turn the light off you can of course turn the light off there so moving forward we are going to click on add a device by tapping the plus in the top right hand corner click on add a device and again we are going to be choosing light it did remember the password is last time so that's perfect.
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So I'm going to go ahead and click on continue and then because we weren't able to find the secondary light this one right over here we're actually going to click on try manual setup now from here it's going to have us do a few things as you can see on the screen it says power off your lights quickly turn them on three times and your light should be pulsing in a blue to cool white so I'm gonna go ahead and power the cycle this thing three times and you're going to notice it's gonna change from this color it's going to change to a blue and white kind of fade effects so let me go ahead and do that as you can see it is now pulsing from a blue to a cool white if we click on next on the app you're going to get this screen where it says please wait one minute until your light starts double pulsing to a purple slash cool white and then it will click on start from there.
So I'm just waiting for that light to go from a blue which again looks for a purple on the camera but as you can see now it has swapped to a deep purple and it's double pull so you can see it's going a little bit quicker so now that that has happened I'm gonna go ahead and click on start on the app this is where things can get a little bit tricky just because you now need to take your phone and you need to connect it to the Wi-Fi network that the bulb is putting out because it's in that mode so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and go to our Wi-Fi settings and then we're gonna search the list and we're gonna look for the wiz config for 5c v but in this case you're going to look for the one that says wiz config so we're gonna tap on that and it's a Wi-Fi disconnected.
Because it's going to be switching networks over to the Wi-Fi bowl and then we're going to want to go back to whiz app once you've done that you can see light is trying to connect to the Wi-Fi and it's got kind of a little circle going around here it did find the bulb and it was able to send the credentials to the bulb which is why having them really close to the Wi-Fi source and the bulb is extremely important so this particular process right here can take effect if they are not close you may end up running into errors and say it could not connect it to the Wi-Fi network it may ask you to try connecting manually it may give you a list of Wi-Fi networks that you can choose and then try to send the credentials that way and it will also be pulsing like a red if it's erroring out.
But because it was able to send their credentials because the the router the access point and the bulb is really close to each other it was able to send those credentials so going back to the screen here you can see we've got our previous light over here but now we've got our new light listed in this room as well so we're going to tap on it and then we're gonna go to settings and you can rename it we're gonna click on the icon and change it to the same icon now because I have two of these right next to each other I obviously don't want them to have the same name I want to name them myself so what you can do is you can go up to where it says name and it says a 19-2 I'm actually going to change this and I'm gonna actually name this within this mission control left.
Once you've got the text in there go ahead and click on done it's then going to rename that bulb we're gonna click on the back arrow at the top left hand corner and we're gonna do the same process for the other light that we were automatically able to set up and we're gonna change the name on it so we're gonna tap on it whatever names you type in here these are the names that when we integrate Alexa that it's going to find so you're going to want to have your room name and you're going to want to have your device names already set up before integrating to Alexa to make it easier when we get into that section of the video so we've got the name in again we're gonna go ahead and click on done name has changed it does have some shortcuts.
If you have a whizz remote which I don't have but you can go in here and set up some settings on the type of general icon again it's a Philips brand you can't change that you can change the shortcuts you can adjust the fade in fade out which is pretty cool whisk lick whisk lick makes you Pat your power switch smarter switch on once for favorite light mode so quickly switch on favorite mode too so if you wanted to turn it on to one setting you can just quickly turn it on once and it will go to one setting if you do that twice it'll go to a second setting so kind of gives you like some Sumerians there and then of course you can adjust your default brightness right here and then delete it.
If you want it to start to factory settings so with this we're gonna go ahead and click on the back arrow you can see we've got both of them listed right here and if we turn this one back on let's just do let's just do fireplace for both of these you can see right now now they're both kind of like on a fireplace effect where they kind of have a soft orange to a soft yellow bouncing between the two which is pretty cool again you can go in adjust any of those two you want you can click on custom color and choose a different color depending on what you want the only thing that I would wish they would add is the ability to type in a hexadecimal or any type of like color code.
So you can actually manually type in and get an exact color that you want currently that's not an option in here you can only go through scroll and kind of find as close to the color as you want once you found that you can actually click Add at the top right of that and it will add it under your custom color section so that's pretty cool too so you've got all this you've got your warm white your daylight's cool white nightlight you've got all of these preset settings then you can actually come in and go through and fine-tune the temperature that you want and then click Add it and that will also add it as well so tons of different settings in there you've got a bunch of different like scenes and stuff down here.
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If you wanted to add a scene which allows you to set a certain configuration of your lights what you can actually do is once you've got your setup say we want the white and we want the fireplace as our scene you can then tap on the three bars in the top left hand corner and then you can come on down to scenes and you can snap the scene and save it and call it whatever you want so if we clicked on that and we'll just call it demo again Alexa can integrate with this so if you wanted to say you know Alexa turn on demo it would then choose this scene and set the lights accordingly so once you've got that you can also take a picture of your scene.
If you wanted to save that it's kind of like a reference point we'll click on save and now you can see that we currently have at that but to Killers theme saved as demo again going to the top left-hand corner you've got the ability to go to your home scenes rhythms schedule you can check power consumption check your rooms your lights if you have accessories you can do that you go to settings this allows you to go in and change like your your in your name it also allows you to change your home name if you wanted to change it later on but more importantly because this video is about syncing and integrating with Alexa or Google assistant.
You can come on down in here and this is where you're going to choose your integration from here what you're gonna do is you're going to go ahead and click on Alexa and then you're going to want to toggle the switch right here where it says whizz smart home skill you're then going to get a code and you're going to want to either copy that code if it didn't already it typically will automatically copy it to your clipboard but you're going to want to copy that code or write it down because now we're gonna move in to the Alexa app and now what we're actually going to do is we're going to minimize the whizz connected app and we're gonna load Alexa.
So we find that one you can see I've got Amazon Alexa here we're gonna tap on that and we're going to go up into the top left hand corner and tap on the three bar we're then going to come down and tap on skills and games and then from here you're just gonna want to click on the magnifying glass and we're gonna search for a specific skill in this case we're gonna just type in a whizz and you're gonna look for one that says whizz smart home skills so we're gonna tap on that just verify that this is the correct one the icon matches the wiz connected app.
That you have and you're gonna want to tap on Wiz smart home skill and then you're going to tap on an able to use from here it's going to link our it's gonna open up a browser and it's going to ask you to type in that pin code or that code that it's copied earlier to your clipboard go ahead and hold and then paste or do whatever method your phone uses to paste that in and then tap on the arrow from here it's going to say whizz home identified and you're gonna see that you says you're just one step away from getting wins linked to Alexa click the button below to confirm you want it to for your lights go ahead and click on continue and then it's going to bring you to another browser page.
Where it says Wiz smart home has been successfully linked you can actually go ahead and close this out now and we're going to go into the actual Alexa app once we've linked the two skills together it's you're then going to want to go back into your LexA app and you're gonna be prompted this with this page where it says discover devices smart home devices must be discovered before they can be used with Alexa you can click on discover devices I have never really actually had good luck using that method typically Alexa will take a couple minutes and discover it herself I'm actually just going to go ahead and click on cancel and then.
What I'm going to do is click on the devices in the bottom right hand corner from here you can see already at the top right here where it says for devices discovered it says four because you've got the two light bulbs you've got the home and then you've got the room as all a new discovered devices so if you click on View you can see right there where it says Mission Control Mission Control left Mission Control right and then YouTube demo and it's got icons indicating which ones those are and we just set those up so you are familiar with which ones that is so YouTube demo was the house Mission Control was the room and then of course the left and right were the two bulbs.
That we've set up so those are in there so now what you can do is you can go in and customize and add these Alexa or the add these devices to routines to schedules to different types of groups and if you're unfamiliar with how to do that I would highly recommend going through and checking out the playlist that we've created for Internet of Things or these types of things you can go through we created a video ended on only set up groups and show you how to work with groups within the Alexa app but also go through and show you how to set up routines which allow you to turn these things the least things on to a certain time of the day or turn them off at a certain time of the day and just allow you to kind of customize and create some pretty cool routines using Alexa and I'll post that link or that playlist up in the top right hand corner for you check that out.
Because it is super helpful when it comes to this particular stuff but just to kind of show you some demonstrations here if we now click on the device itself you can see that Mission Control left light is on brightness set to 100 and it has a certain color but from here you can now use Alexa to not only set the scene you can have her set the brightness you can have her set a specific color now she does have just basic information as far as colors as you can see these are typically going to be your base colors that you can choose she's not going to recognize like fire engine red or something like that you're just gonna have to use read.
But if you wanted to go in and fine-tune those set up a scene under the Wisc connected app and then come back into the Alexa and you can see if we go back a couple steps here you can see right here under scenes we have demo jazz one normal deep space so I've already set up a couple scenes that the Alexa app has already located and you can use those to change the lights to those specific colors so if we wanted to set these lights to a certain percentage we can say Alexa so I'm going to tap on the middle bottom here and this is going to bring up the Alexa prompt Alexa set mission control left to 30% and as you can see the back left light here was actually set to 30% brightness and.
We can do the same thing bringing it back so Alexa set Mission Control left to a hundred percent and again she went ahead and brought it back to a hundred percent and then if we wanted Alexa to set a certain scene from the ones that we created under the wiz connected app you would just use the scene name in this case we named it demo so you tap on Alexa Alexa turn on demo and you'll see that she moved the lights and changed the lights into whatever settings we had under the demo scene that we created under the whizz connect app so there's a ton of stuff that you can do on here between setting up groups routines scenes and you can go through and like I said create some pretty cool scenes to set the mood with these frickin RGB bulbs.
So overall in conclusion you're probably going to have some issues with the app I know there's a lot of steps going back and forth between the wiz app and also the Alexa app getting them integrated and working again we have that playlist that kind of goes through and breaks down the groups and the routines for the Alexa app and then of course going forward we'll probably create some videos as far as using the whizz connected app because there's a lot of cool things that you could do in there as well so feel free to jump back in the video watch some few steps if you missed something I tried to cover everything at least in depth and pretty clearly as possible just to make things a little bit easier for you guys but overall I'm happy with the bulb it's been a great bulb we picked it up for like 13 bucks they are exclusively at Home Depot.
However if you are going to go out and get some bulbs I would hi recommend kind of piecing together different parts and making sure that they all use the same app that way you have less moving parts a perfect example is that these bulbs again use the whizz connected app but I have smart Wi-Fi power strips strips and then switches that use the smart life app and having the two different apps integrate it just again there's more moving parts more complexity so try to keep things as clean as possible with getting the same or at least this using the same app - hey I kind of have like a central location for everything to be connected to and then of course.
I have the switches and stuff I have are all Tekken they do make some lights I'll go ahead and post those in the video description as well and then I'll post these lights for the Home Depot ones if you're interested in those as well so again super happy with the bulb and I'm sure the Tekken bulbs that I'll be linking are great as well I'll probably be picking up a set of those just to see how those compared to these again these a are 800 lumens and I think the Tekken ones are even 1,100 lumens so if you wanted something that's a little bit more bright you can certainly checked out check those out.
But I'm excited to go through and kind of set up some scenes and kind of customize the ambient light in this office to whatever I decide to just kind of set the tone and that wraps up this week's tech tip bringing us into our question of the day how do you feel about RGB lights do you like them or do you think they're kind of silly connect with me and leave your answers in the comments below if you liked this video and found it useful be sure to give it a like and a share on your social media platform of choice and check out some of the other videos that we have subscribe if you're not already and enable the bail so you guys don't miss out on any type of future content and we will see you on the next one.
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